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Ventolin inhaler rezeptfrei; the first drug in which is inhaled and not injected or absorbed through the skin—is being used a Private prescription propecia uk way to save money on medical care, thus saving lives. The results are far less dramatic, but the same principles are used. only difference is that on a medical scale, it only costs less. In his article, "Wie die Diktatskonzentration," German writer Klaus Schmidt points out that the German government is responsible for a very large part of the medical care costs in country. He points out the problem with this: federal healthcare system is a total failure and waste of money, while the German people bear most of the costs. Since the "reformers" have been pushing their socialized medicine, Germans have seen their health expenditures shoot up by more than 40%. With fewer doctors and doctors' assistants, hospitals other healthcare facilities haven't been able to afford see as many people they would like. A lot of hospitals and physicians now rely on one or more of those government-run medical insurance organizations to provide care their patients. These private medical insurance corporations have a very dubious record. In 2011 article the British medical newspaper Lancet, two senior British researchers wrote, "It is essential that the 'health insurance market' be re-examined in its entire scope to ensure that patient care is not compromised." The system's financial problems, in fact, have been known to all of Germany's German political parties. Even Chancellor Angela Merkel's party, the Christian Democrats, has criticized and criticized. In 2006, the senior advisor to Ventolin 100mcg $145.26 - $24.21 Per pill German Chancellor Angela Merkel told The Times that she was "deeply troubled" by the fact that "there are no controls whatsoever," that "nobody knows the true cost of health care," and that "many people who become patients have no idea what they get, or to expect." There are many government-run national health care systems in other countries, but none as expensive or wasteful Germany's. Americans who pay for their healthcare premiums and insurance through private companies usually pay less than in Germany, even though the quality of health care is often lower. The US federal government, after all, runs Medicare instead of the German system. The federal government in US, by the way, currently spends $4,000 for every man, woman, and child, compared with $8,000 for the German system. And Germans are well aware of this situation. One the most popular social Best price viagra in uk protest chants in Germany is "Herr Schulmeister, der Hinterkundigkeit bei Gesundheitsgesetz ventolin buy online usa zu verfolgen." ("The state is too tight with the budget.") If the German system were to really become a success, what German would not be in favor of a new system for America? If Germany is so concerned about high health-care costs and is having to implement massive reforms of the system, why not set up a national health insurance system for Americans? It might actually save billions of dollars a year—which would not only help the government cover its expenses but would keep the entire health care system more efficient. However, it's time for the president of United States to see things from Germany's point of view: It's time to create a national health care program for America. It can be done. The German system is failing. It has been for more than a decade. At least now is the time for us to start a serious discussion about how the United States should set up a health insurance system for its own citizens. And the president needs support—from lawmakers and from citizens alike—as well.

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